Schedule a Digital Safety Presentation
The Attorney General's Office supports parents and teachers in their efforts to educate students regarding safe technology use. Our Internet Safety Specialists provide age-appropriate presentations for students, as well as for parents, educators and youth service providers throughout Illinois.
Presentation Goals:
Students: When working with students of all ages, we strive to promote privacy and safe use of technology, sites, apps and video games, as well as encourage empathy, and support critical thinking and effective problem-solving. Presentations are available for grades 3-12.
Parents: When presenting for family and school communities, we aim to assist in building a foundation of Internet safety knowledge, while providing information on current Illinois youth trends. We will discuss intervention and prevention strategies, as well as laws in place in regards to cyberbullying and sexting.
Parents and Educators goals: We encourage you to utilize the following posters to inform families and your community about your upcoming Digital Safety Education event. Please note that we do seek RSVPs for parent/community presentations and request a 25 RSVP minimum to host. We suggest partnering with area schools, districts and social service agencies to gain further interest in and attendance for these events.