Schools across the country are regularly using technology and the Internet in their classrooms.
We hope here you will find resources and tips to keeping your students safe online, as well as resources to help you better understand students of all ages use technology, social media and app use at all ages.
This page includes suggestions for curriculum, best practices and downloadable tools.
Resources for Your School
The Attorney General's Office has created materials and tools to help your school fulfill the requirements under the Illinois School Code for annual, age-appropriate Internet safety instruction to students in grades 3-12 (105 ILCS 5/27-13.3).
Click below for information and educational materials on Delete Day, an opportunity for your students to “clean up” their online accounts to promote safety and respect for themselves and others.
Grade-Appropriate Worksheets
Printable Posters to Promote Delete Day
Click below for information and educational materials on Log Off Day, an opportunity for students to take a break from their online accounts and become more aware of their connectivity.
Grade-Appropriate Worksheets
Printable Posters to Promote Log Off Day
Click below for information and educational materials on Secure It Day, an opportunity for students to take inventory of their online accounts and remedy vulnerable areas.
Grade-Appropriate Worksheets - Elementary School
Middle and High School
Printable Posters to Promote Secure It Day
The School Climate Survey is a short student survey that schools are encouraged to administer regarding online behaviors. Topics include: digital citizenship, cyberbullying and sexting.
After administering the appropriate survey, schools are encouraged to insert their resulting data into the editable posters listed below. Displaying these posters throughout the school will help to reinforce positive social norms and encourage a positive online experience for students.
Click below for student scenario cards to help youth practice responding to online dangers and pressures.
- Using Student Scenario Cards
- Elementary School Scenario Cards
- Middle School Scenario Cards
- High School Scenario Cards
Click below for worksheets designed to help youth choose appropriate ways to share their emotions.
Click below for additional classroom resources.
Click below for some tips on how to help your students prevent cyberbullying.
Where and How Can Cyberbullying Happen?
A child or teen can be bullied in a wide variety of contexts—through cell phones, chat rooms, e-mail, instant messages, or Web Sites—the possibilities are endless. Learn more about where and how cyberbullying occurs and what you can do.
- Forms for Cyberbullying
- Forms for Cyberbullying - Spanish
- Forms for Cyberbullying - Polish
- Digital Citizenship: Tips for Educators
Who is a Cyberbully?
The Internet provides anonymity and shields kids from the pain that bullying causes their victims. Learn how to recognize if your student is engaged in cyberbullying.
Warning Sign Checklist
Is this student a victim of cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying can have a serious impact on your student's life and behavior. The Internet can magnify the effects of hurtful comments, embarrassing photographs, and other bullying tactics similar to what you may have experienced while growing up. Click below to learn more about how to recognize if your student is a victim of cyberbullying.
- Warning Sign Checklist: A student is being a bully online
- Warning Sign Checklist: Am I being cyberbullied?
How Can Educators Support a Student Who is Bullied Online?
How should your students respond to cyberbullying? We do not recommend responding directly to cyberbullies. Instead, we offer a few steps that you can take to ensure that bullies are held responsible.